Now and Then: Important differences to note

If you read my previous notes from the trip we took to Bali, there are some important things to note.

There are miracles in life. For one, ten years ago, I was fresh out of a spinal cord injury and a life-altering surgery, wondering how I would ever get around, especially when doing what I loved the most. Traveling. I was still using a cane. We lived in Jamaica Plain, in Boston, and it was a big deal for me to walk the block to the subway station. I was still doing daily physical therapy, pushing myself with every step, wondering if I’d ever be able to hike and walk distances again.

Time is the miracle. It really does heal wounds, injuries, hearts. I am walking longer distances, standing up a little straighter, and not afraid to keep pushing myself because time has proven that I can do the things I set my mind on. Thank God, for that.

lamb roasting on spit in Athens

Secondly, our kiddo, four years old when we were in Bali and sticking to beige food only (noodles, bread, rice, cheese…) is now a foodie, like her mama. 🙂 She has been very excited to explore different Greek foods, whole fish, shrimp(s) and octopus, even roasted lamb from the spit! Greek Orthodox Easter was last Sunday (a week after our Easter) and lamb roasting on the spit was on every corner in Athens.

Third, traveling with a guitar is WAY easier. I have traveled with a guitar to many countries, and each time, I was worried about how it would survive, especially the plane ride. For Bali, I had to find a rugged case because my guitar had to be checked, and although it was my beat-around guitar, I was still worried about it. Now, I have a carbon-fiber travel guitar (Klos) with a neck that detaches so that all of it fits into a very compact backpack that I can carry on and fit under the seat. No wood to worry about cracking, no airline mishandling. It’s WAY COOL and sounds amazing. I fit the guitar and my laptop into the backpack. This has made me very happy.

TWO THINGS that remain the same? I’m still working on THAT novel….Oh, so much to say about that. In another post, perhaps. AND, Megan and I still travel together magnificently. From our first trip to Ecuador soon after we first met, to our years traveling around the world and volunteering in Kenya, to this one….I could not ask for a better travel companion.

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